





Honduras although the vehemence is like Hong, energetic, be excessive the Yu time to control the ball poor, the turning point excessively hesitates and finally falls to hurt Ecuador.Ecuador with excellently open a new road the forward, defend after flying low to cross Honduras centerline, win this to win.


Switzerland of ball road stability fights to always mistake here and controls to control the ball power for many times, but always is subjected to the line and rearguard in the turning point a player in the road Feng is serious negligence, again and again leak the ball be intercepted, shoot ball at goal the angle to lack of the strength, finally helpless lose to French team.


In this game, Costa Rica's ball road has been old, medium road Feng line player already anxious ennui, the rearguard again and again pause for breath to fight for reserving a war capability but didn't take out should have the level, finally fall to hurt to Italy.



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